The Beacon Sloop Club

The Beacon Sloop Club

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Protecting the Hudson through
environmental advocacy

The Beacon Sloop Club

The new centerboard trunk for the Woody

Completed in 2009. We would like to thank all those who contributed to this effort.

Shipwright Wayne Ford in his nest under the Woody during the early stages of the centerboard project.  Winter conditions were not the most favorable for work this year.
The bottom of the Woody opened up to facilitate removal and installation of the new centerboard trunk.
Sole (passenger cockpit) of the Woody following removal of the centerboard trunk.
James Kricker, head of Roundout Woodworking, Saugeties, NY, is in charge of the project to rebuild the Woody centerboard trunk.  Jim was one of the original crew that built the Woody. Jim is accompanied by Tom Baldino a Woody Captain, Saul Rozinski BSC President and Harriet Touraine a Woody Sailor.
Interior of the Woody completely gutted after removal of old centerboard trunk.  Rondout shipwright is installing new crossbrace forward of the centerboard trunk location.
Caption - Shipwright Wayne Ford shaping the new bedlog.  This is the foundation piece upon which the entire new centerboard trunk will rest.
New crossbrace installed just forward of centerboard trunk.  Note an original brace just forward of this one.  Replacement of the two braces just forward and aft of the old centerboard trunk were not originally anticipated, but the original ones were found to be failing.  This added about $1,200 to the cost of the project.
Workers prepare to install the port bedlog.  The new starboard bedlog is in place.  These pieces are the base upon which the centerboard trunk will rest.
The starboard bedlog viewed from below.  The worker is applying adhesive sealant to the ribs at the points where the port bedlog will rest.  With close inspection of the picture you can see the port bedlog hanging just above the ribs with slots cut in it to fit onto the ribs.

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Our mailing address is:
The Beacon Sloop Club
PO Box 527
Beacon, NY 12508