The Beacon Sloop Club

The Beacon Sloop Club

Beacon Sloop Club Logo

Protecting the Hudson through
environmental advocacy

Harbor Rules and Regulations

The following rules and regulations are set forth in order to provide safe and enjoyable use of our harbor for all. Members are solely responsibile for damage to/form their boats, moorings, dinghy and all properties.


a) The Beacon Harbor is the property of the City of Beacon. The Beacon Sloop Club acts as "Harbor Manager" as per the City of Beacon Harbor Management Law.

b) The Beacon Sloop Club, in turn, appoints a "Harbor Master" and may appoint a "Harbor Committee". This is to be headed by the Harbor Master.


a) The Harbor Master/Committee must first decide that sufficient room exists for another mooring.

b) An application and membership form will be mailed/given to an applicant.

c) These must be return by the date shown and must include a check(s) for the amount set forth by the Harbor Master/Committee.

d) The applicant must complete 20 work hours before and 15 work hours after the boating season. Work parties are on weekends and their times are set by the Harbor Master/Committee.

e) The applicant must supply their own mooring rig. The design of this rig must meet the specifications outlined in Artical Three. The Harbor Master will inspect the mooring. Any corrections must be made, or it will not be allowed to be placed in the harbor.

f) The 1st of June is the cut-off date for new admissions to the harbor. Exceptions can be made by the Harbor Master.


This will give you a basic idea of what the mooring will look like.
Note: Two lines are used to secure the boat.

a) Only 'mushroom' style mooring anchors are allowed.

b) The weight of the anchor shall be ten times the length of the boat. Exceptions can be made by the Harbor Master.

c) A shackle shall attach a length of galvanized chain (Bottom Chain) that is at least 1/2" in diameter to the anchor. The chain must be 1 1/2 times the maximum water depth in length.

d) A shackle shall attach the other end of this chain to a galvanized swivel of the eye & eye type.

e) A shackle shall attach the swivel to a galvanized chain (Light Chain) that is at least 3/8" in diameter and that is equal to the maximum water depth.

f) A shackle shall attach the other end of this chain to a mooring ball, which shall have twice the bouyancy of the weight of the light chain, so as to be no more submerged than by half. The mooring ball may be attached to the light-chain by it's own short piece of chain. A ring may be attached to the end of the light-chain & the pendants may be attached to this.

g) Each mooring shall also have two (2) pendant lines of three-strand nylon, at least 1/2" in diameter and equal in length to 2 1/2 times the freeboard of the boat. Yellow 'plastic' lines shall not be used.

h) Each mooring shall also have a galvanized safety chain, shackled at one end to the light chain and the other end attached to the boat. It shall be long enough so as to be slack when the pendants are secured. It shall be at least 5/16" in diameter. This chain must never be locked to the boat.

i) All shackles and fittings shall be seized with corrosion-resistant wire, to prevent them from opening. Plastic ties are not allowed.

j) All moorings are to be at the launch ramp by the date set forth by the Harbor Master/Committee.

k) Members are responsible for their own moorings during the season, as well as once they are pulled.


a) Long Dock is owned by The Beacon Insitute who sets the rules for it's uses.

b) Members of the Beacon Sloop Club who have a mooring in Beacon Harbor may use Long Dock for a period of 1/2 hour to load and unload passengers and equipment.


a) Members are allowed one dinghy per boat.

b) The Harbor Master/Committee decides which members (Due to circumstances) have use of the finger docks and which members will need to go between the docks and the pilings.

c) Storing a dinghy on land, by the launch ramp, during the season is not allowed. This space is set aside for Club boats.

d) Only a bow line/chain must be used to attach the dinghy to the dock. Either the boat's name or the last name of the boat's owner must be painted on the dinghy in a visible area.

e) Members are responsible for their own dinghy. (Bailing out, etc.)

f) If space is available, after each boat has one dinghy at the docks, any Club member may keep a dinghy, canoe, etc. at the docks. This must be approved by the Harbor Master/Committee.

g) Portable fuel tanks must be filled on the boat, when tied up to the docks. This is to prevent spillage from melting the dock's flotation materials. Also, NO SMOKING is allowed while fueling. It is preferred that you fuel while on your mooring, or at a gas dock.


a) As per The City of Beacon Harbor Management Law, "No person shall fish in the such a manner so as to impede navigation. This applies to both shore-based & vessel-based fishing". Members should be courteous to those fishing, and vice versa.


a) Any member who refuses to comply to the aforementioned Rules and Regulations will not be allowed to have a boat moored in the harbor. They will be notified by the Harbor Master/Committee of any such decision.


a) In any case where a provision of these regulations is found to be in conflict with any other local provision, the Laws of The City of Beacon shall be followed.

b) These regulations are subject to modification, all members wil be notified of any changes or annexes.

Copyright © 2025 The Beacon Sloop Club, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
The Beacon Sloop Club
PO Box 527
Beacon, NY 12508